Consider supporting Rainier Athletes in the following way: 

  • $2,000 fully sponsors 1 Rainier Athlete student for an entire year.  In addition to covering the cost of extracurricular activities, your monetary support allows Rainier Athletes to pair each student with a dedicated mentor, connect families to vital resources, and nurtures an ongoing conversation between each student's teacher, coach, and family.

    ****Consider becoming a monthly donor! For just over $160 per month, you'll have the opportunity to sponsor 1 Rainier Athlete for the whole year.

  • $1,200 provides professional tutors and college prep for a high school student for the year  

  • $500 covers the cost of sports gear for 1 Rainier Athlete for the entire year

  • $250 provides student snacks for one month, an essential component of Rainier Athletes revised small group meet-ups!

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